ALBUMS + Artistic & Career Development

If you require further musical development than mere guitar or bass lessons then Colin can help you in many ways. Colin has written,arranged, produced, and performed on many musical projects from simple demos to full blown CD albums for the mass market. Some of these projects started off as people who just wanted guitars lessons but went on to produce complete works of their own ideas with the assistance of Colin, often with a very modest budget. Below are just a fraction of some musical works Colin Hill has been involved in..yours could be the next one!!

Colin illy Hill Band CD, full album:

Tasks performed: all guitars/lead vocals/arrangements/production.

cd cover cd cover back cd label1

ANTEO QUINTAVALLE: 4 Albums of material.

Tasks performed: All guitars, bass guitar , riff creations.



Jimmy Fame: Backalleys.  All Guitar/Bass/Production/Arrangement/Backing Vocals.

Pjae Stanley

Pjae Stanley CD, full album:

Tasks performed: All guitars / arrangements/ co production.


 pjae back cover

Jimmy Fame CD , full album: tasks performed: All guitars / arrangements / production.

jim album front jim album back

Bliss Beach Club Promo ‘Wine Snobs” Tasks performed: Arrangement /Guitars  /bass guitars. [composed by Jim Newport]

The Raw & Older Band. Arvid Munthe. CD/Vinyl EP, Complete album . Tasks performed: electric, acoustic, slide guitars, bass guitar, arrangement & production. snake man front snakeman inside 


snakeman back

The Priddy Goode Band. [D.Henry Schmit.] Demo album.

Tasks performed: tuition to recording abilities. arrangement / production/ home recording/ bass guitar. an example of a guitar student of Colin’s who went much further and made 2 demo albums of his original songs!

SLAM! CD. full album:

Tasks performed: original song composition all tracks / all guitars / lead and backing vocals/arrangement & production.

slam cd front

slam cd slam review

Goran Sedlar CD. Full EP album.

Tasks performed: Co writing & arrangement / All guitars / bass guitar/backing vocals


Magnetic Force – “Sucked into Oblivion” CD: full album

Tasks performed: Co-writing & arrangement of songs / Production / Lead Guitar.

mag force0001

SHOWROOM SHOWDOWN: promotional corporate CD/ Jingle

Tasks performed: Lead Guitar / co writing.

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