DVD lessons


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Colin has produced  2 DVD versions of his lesson system for those who cannot attend private tuition. The DVDs are easy to follow, made in a friendly light hearted manner and are divided up into ‘lesson segments’ just as if you were coming along for an hourly tuition session.


DVD #1: So You Want To Be A Rock n Roll Star:

so you want to be dvd cover

Forget boring theory, difficult exercises, and old fashioned methods! This DVD gets you playing straight away and is based on a modern approach, not 30 year old – outdated ideas.

This DVD is for absoloute beginners and covers everything you need to know how to play your guitar including single note playing, open chords, minor chords, power chords, finger exercises, tuning, care and knowledge of your guitar.


DVD # 2: “Out Of Your Room, Into The Garage & On To The Stage”

out of your room cover dvd

This DVD is more than a teaching DVD – it is a complete preparation course for anyone who wants to play guitar seriously enough to make a career out of it, or anyone who simply wants to get the most enjoyment and fun out of their music.

PART 1 – OUT OF YOUR ROOM (Let’s get good!) teaches you, lesson by lesson, the steps necessary to play good guitar with emphasis on developing your own style. Both Lead and Rhythm techniques are covered in a simple, clear and unique method.
Topics covered Bar Chords, Easy To Use Blues Scales, Major Scales, Minor Scales, Chord Inversions, Timing, Finger Tapping and etc. But don’t get scared off by technicalities! This DVD is easy to understand and requires little musical knowledge.

PART 2 – INTO THE GARAGE (Let’s get it all together!) shows you how to get great guitar sounds (from clean to grunge to dirty to filthy!) out of your equipment, how to rehearse and practise efficiently and how to prepare for a gig. It gives you the edge you need to get your ‘jamming’ tight.

PART 3 – ONTO THE STAGE (Let’s take on the world!) introduces you to the world of the stage, P.A. systems and all that serious stuff you need to know to finally make it onto the stage and do a hot gig!